December 7, 2009

Namitha’s fans must feel crushed to know that 14 opportunities to ogle at their dream girl went by since she rejected them all! But she has a very sound reason to back her decisions.
“I have made up my mind to be very choosy and wary of what roles I take up. In the past, I have been very gullible and hence ended up doing only song numbers in movies where I had actually been promised meaty roles.
Once I signed a project where I was supposed to play a detective, and was told to do a dance number like I was in disguise for an investigation. But after the song was shot, they told me that my character had been cut because it was digressing from the main story.
Hence once again I had done just one song in a movie.
Similar things have happened way too often. And now, after the success of Jagan Mohini, I am determined to do proper roles, not just glam ones. I don’t mind double heroine subjects so long as my part is equally important.
In the last four months I have rejected at least 14 offers, because they had no substance,” says a very emotional Namitha. Let’s hope 2010 will give her the image makeover she yearns for.