Before committing suicide Praveen alias Bujji reportedly stabbed to death Bhargavi, an upcoming actress in Tollywood. It has been reported by the media that Bhargavi married Praveen in a secret ceremony two years ago. However, this was denied by Bhargavi's family who claimed that she was unmarried.
Sources have it that Praveen, a musician by profession, was jealous of Bhargavi's growth in the industry. It is worth mentioning here that Bhargavi shot to limelight for her role in Ashta Chamma.
Reportedly, this ruined their relationship. In a fit of rage, Praveen had stabbed Bhargavi soon after which he consumed poison. A suicide note was found on the spot written by Praveen. Bhargavi was stabbed repeatedly on her wrists and chest. Both the bodies were removed for post mortem.